Protective Clothing

Beekeeping Protective Clothing

Purpose of Protective Clothing

Beekeeper apparel helps professional beekeepers handle their bees safely without fear of getting stung. From coveralls to full protective suits, we have a large selection of beekeeping protective clothing that is both comfortable and practical for all ages.

Beekeeper Apparel


Our beekeeping protective clothing also comes in a range of options.  

Children’s Bee Suits

These suits are sized perfectly for kids up to 10 years of age on average. These suits are great for letting kids experience beekeeping for themselves by letting them get up close and personal with the bees without any of the pain.

Ventilated Bee Suits

Traditional bee protective clothing used to be made with cotton canvas and was notoriously hot. But these bee suits sport a mesh that allows airflow while keeping you comfortable and protected.

A standard bee suit is exactly how it sounds but with all the modern improvements for a superior beekeeping experience: large pockets, zippered or elastic ankles, and a polyester cotton blend for the perfect mix of durability and comfort.


Beekeeping protective jackets are great for a quick inspection of your beehives. The jackets allow easier movement and, in most cases, are cooler than bee suits. They come in many configurations, including ventilated jackets, partially ventilated jackets, and cricket style jackets.


Protective gloves are essential for protecting your arms and hands when working with a beehive. We offer many types of protective gloves that include canvas, leather, rubber, and goatskin gloves. Ventilated protective gloves will prevent you from getting too hot when working with your bees.


Beekeeper helmets work in conjunction with protective veils to keep the bees out. They protect your head from bees and can give extra stability for some veils. We offer plastic and woven mesh helmets in white or tan color.


Protective veils come in various configurations for maximum flexibility and portability. Hood veils are usually more comfortable, lighter, and can fold down easily for storage. Square veils have a heavier mesh and can be used with hats or helmets. Protective round veils have a built-in hat and adjustable band for various head sizes.

Owning quality beekeeping protective clothing reduces your risk of getting stung as you take care of your bee colony or harvest honey. Dadant & Sons has been in business since 1863, selling essential gear to beekeepers. Contact us by calling (217) 847-3324 or emailing if you have questions about our products.