Package Bees
Package Bees for Sale
Dadant & Sons makes it easy to purchase package bees for your hive. We offer several options, including Italian honey bees for sale with a marked mated queen and sell bee nuc boxes and additional hive parts separately so you can start your own colony. Our 3 lb. Italian package bees or Italian package bees with vaccinated queen ship directly to your local post office. Contact your nearest Dadant store location to see if there are any package bees or queens available for pickup. We also sell netting for package bees and bee nucs to make storage and transportation easier. With years of experience serving beekeepers across the country, Dadant knows how to make buying live bees simple. When you shop the bees for sale at Dadant, you can feel confident in the knowledge that your package will arrive safe and ready to go. We also include insurance and shipping with every purchase of live bees for extra convenience and peace of mind. Fill out your apiary when you purchase package bees for sale at Dadant & Sons today.
Package Bees with Vaccinated Queen Shipped
Package Bees with Vaccinated Queen Shipped
From $199.95 - $202.95