EZ-OX Oxalic Acid

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Control Varroa mites with EPA approved miticide.

Choose between 400 grams of Oxalic Acid Powder or 1 gram tablets in 50 or 100 pack.

Use during broodless period, late fall or early spring.

Leaves no sticky residues in your vaporizer. Fast & Clean!

Application via Vaporization or Solution method (Powder only).

Safety gear recommended.

Oxalic Acid is to control Varroa mites. Best used during the broodless period, late fall or early spring. Application via Vaporization or Solution method.
Super-Fast, No muss, No fuss.
EZ-OX tablets contain 1 gram of 99.6% oxalic acid each, therefore the tablet will weigh a fraction more. No measuring required, saves loads of time. Super-Fast, No muss, No fuss.
EZ-OX products leave no sticky residues in your vaporizer. Fast & Clean!

Use Oxalic Acid Dihydrate when little or no brood is present as Oxalic Acid Dihydrate will not control Varroa mites in capped brood and may damage bee brood. Repeated applications can be made when colonies are raising brood, though this may be less effective than needed for complete mite control during the brood-rearing season.

Oxalic acid can be used when honey supers are on the hive.

Oxalic acid is used to treat colonies during low brood periods, packages, or swarms. This product can also be used as a “clean up” Varroa treatment following the application of a different acaricide where Varroa infestations continue to be problematic.


Note: Two (2) grams of Oxalic Acid per Deep Hive Box is the maximum legal dose with the Vaporization Method.

For use with 1 gram tablet or as a powder.

Apply only to outdoor colonies with a restricted lower hive entrance. Seal all upper hive entrances and cracks with tape to avoid escape of Oxalic Acid vapor. Smoke bees up from the bottom board. Place 2 grams of Oxalic Acid Powder or 2 1g tablets per deep brood chamber into the vaporizer. Follow the vaporizer manufacturer’s directions for use. Smoke bees up from the bottom board. Insert the vaporizer apparatus through the bottom entrance. Apply heat until all Oxalic Acid has sublimated.


Use only Oxalic Acid Dihydrate Powder for this method. DO NOT use tablets.

Only apply Oxalic Acid Dihydrate as a solution when mixed with sugar-water. IMPORTANT: To completely dissolve Oxalic Acid Dihydrate, use warm syrup.

Dissolve 2 grams of Oxalic Acid Dihydrate Powder in ¼ cup (59ml) of 1:1 sugar: water (weight: volume). Smoke bees down from the top bars. With a syringe or an applicator, trickle 0.03 fl oz (5 ml) of this solution directly onto the bees in each occupied bee space in each brood box. The maximum dose is 1.7 fl oz (50 ml) per colony whether bees are in nucs, single, or multiple brood chambers. Under certain unfavorable conditions (e.g., weak colonies, unfavorable overwintering conditions), this application method may cause some bee mortality or overwintering bee loss.

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Shipping Type Free Shipping
Treatment Type Varroa Mite
Restricted States HI,CA,DC,AS,AA,AE,AP,FM,GU,MH,MP,PW,PR,VI,Armed Forces Africa,Armed Forces Canada,Armed Forces Middle East
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