Scientists have discovered a way to make worker bees produce an enhanced version of royal jelly (RJ) – the super-nutritious substance that dictates whether larvae become workers or queens, and that is also renowned as a health supplement for people. Their study, which found that the super RJ that makes queen bee larvae grow 2-3 times larger than normal, appears …
by Colleen Scherer, Managing Editor, Ag Professional
A mass die-off of honey bees in April in Ohio was not due to pesticides, according to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
Although the manner in which the bees died suggested that they had been poisoned by pesticides, the results did not agree. The department tested samples of dead bees and ran the results against …
TEMPE, Ariz. – Scientists at Arizona State University have discovered that older honey bees effectively reverse brain aging when they take on nest responsibilities typically handled by much younger bees. While current research on human age-related dementia focuses on potential new drug treatments, researchers say these findings suggest that social interventions may be used to slow or treat age-related dementia.
In …
TEMPE, Ariz. – Scientists at Arizona State University have discovered that honey bees may teach us about basic connections between taste perception and metabolic disorders in humans. By experimenting with honey bee genetics, researchers have identified connections between sugar sensitivity, diabetic physiology and carbohydrate metabolism. Bees and humans may partially share these connections.
In a study published in the open-access journal …
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement News Release
CHICAGO – A former Chinese business agent for several honey-import companies was sentenced June 22, 2012 to two years in federal prison for illegally importing falsely labeled honey to avoid paying nearly $1.5 million in U.S. anti-dumping duties. This sentence resulted from an investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security …
viruses to help treat one of the most destructive and widespread bee brood diseases in the United States. They report their findings today at the 2012 General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology.
"Our food supply depends on the actions of millions of insects such as the common honeybee. Due to the importance of honeybees a pollinators in the agriculture …
The purpose of this document is to notify registrants, pesticide regulatory officials and the Canadian public of Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (PMRA) decision to initiate a re-evaluation, under section 16 of the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA), of the nitro-guanidine neonicotinoid insecticides, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, and their associated products registered in Canada. Currently, another nitro-guanidine neonicotinoid insecticide,imidacloprid, is …
June 4, 2012 ABJ Extra – The spread of a parasitic mite across Hawaiian honeybee colonies has enabled a virus to thrive within colonies of these valuable insects, researchers report. In other parts of the world, the appearance of both the mite and the virus has coincided with major colony deaths, though this has only occurred on Hawaii where the …