ZomBeeWatch.org team is outfitting infected honeybees with tiny radio trackers to learn more about parasitized honeybees
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6, 2012 -- After last year's accidental discovery of "zombie"-like bees infected with a fly parasite, SF State researchers are conducting an elaborate experiment to learn more about the plight of the honey bees.
The scientists are tagging infected bees with tiny radio …
Decline of pollinators will have severe impact on nature and mankind
Two-thirds of the crops humans use for food production and the majority of wild plant species depend on pollination by insects such as bees and hover-flies. This ecosystem service, however, provided by nature to humans for free, is increasingly failing. As an example, after 3000 years of sustainable agriculture, farmers …
Firestone, Colo., Aug. 14, 2012 – The National Honey Board (NHB) is requesting proposals for research dealing with honey bee colony production.
The goal of this research is to help producers maintain colony health while assuring the maintenance of honey quality. Areas of interest are: control of Varroa destructor, Acarapis woodi, Nosema Ceranae, and small hive beetle; the investigation into the …
Firestone, Colo., August 7, 2012 –The National Honey Board (NHB) is pleased to announce that they will be providing 2012 press kits to industry members, in order to promote September as National Honey Month. September has been recognized as National Honey Month for more than 20 years. The press kit, intended for delivery to local media, will be available at …
Firestone, Colo. – August 7, 2012 – Honey has been in the news recently, covering topics from its source to its authenticity. The National Honey Board (NHB), a federal research and promotion board with United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) oversight, wants to clarify any misconceptions. The NHB utilized industry, culinary and educational resources to produce “The Story of Honey,” …
Research shows several micro-RNAs -- noncoding RNAs that control gene expression -- are down-regulated in nurse bees
What worker bees do depends on how old they are. A worker a few days old will become a nurse bee that devotes herself to feeding larvae (brood), secreting beeswax to seal the cells that contain brood and attending to the queen.
After about a …
The EPA is denying a petition requesting emergency suspension of clothianidin based on imminent hazard. The agency will, however, be taking comment from the public for 60 days on the petition’s request for cancellation of clothianidin. The agency received the petition from a group of beekeepers, Beyond Pesticides, Pesticide Action Network of North America and others on March 20, 2012. The petition …
Scientists have discovered a way to make worker bees produce an enhanced version of royal jelly (RJ) – the super-nutritious substance that dictates whether larvae become workers or queens, and that is also renowned as a health supplement for people. Their study, which found that the super RJ that makes queen bee larvae grow 2-3 times larger than normal, appears …