Genetic ‘remix’ Key to Evolution of Bee Behavior: York University Research

TORONTO– Worker bees have become a highly skilled and specialized work force because the genes that determine their behaviour are shuffled frequently, helping natural selection to build a better bee, research from York University suggests. The embargoed study, to be published October 15 at 3pm EST in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences), sheds light on how worker bees …

Honey Summit Celebrates Honey’s Use in Baking Industry

Firestone, Colo. – The National Honey Board Summit, conducted September 26, 2012 in Chicago, brought together some of the most innovative bakers in the retail, wholesale, foodservice and in-store segments for a daylong educational and technical seminar about baking with honey. The goal of the seminar was to spark innovation in new product development of breads, rolls, cakes, pies and …

Honey Bees Fight Back Against Varroa

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor is a major contributor to the recent mysterious death of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Genome Biology  finds that specific proteins, released by damaged larvae and in the antennae of adult honey bees, can drive hygienic behavior of the adults and promote the removal of infected …

New Research Shows Bees Decrease Their Food Intake When Given Compound Found in Red Wine

Bees fed resveratrol eat less, live up to 38 percent longer TEMPE, Ariz. – The idea that drinking red wine may provide health benefits – or possibly even extend your life — is an appealing thought for many people. Now, there may be added attraction. Researchers have found that when given resveratrol, a compound found in red wine, bees consume less …

PAm Receives a Monsanto Match and a Costco Commitment

A NEWS ALERT FROM PROJECT APIS M. "We have identified ourselves as being the go-to organization at the interface of honey bees and pollinated crops and others are taking notice.  With that defined focus, we are very successful.", so explains Christi Heintz, Project Apis m's executive director.  PAm has infused over 1.5 million into honey bee research since its inception in December, …

Pesticides Not Yet Proven Guilty of Causing Honey Bee Declines

The impact of crop pesticides on honeybee colonies is unlikely to cause colony collapse, according to a paper in the journal Science today (20 September 2012). More research is now needed to predict the impact of widely-used agricultural insecticides, called neonicotinoids, on honeybee populations. UK scientists from the University of Exeter and Food and Environment Agency highlight flaws in previous research …

How Bees Decide What to Be

Johns Hopkins researchers link reversible 'epigenetic' marks to behavior patterns Johns Hopkins scientists report what is believed to be the first evidence that complex, reversible behavioral patterns in bees – and presumably other animals – are linked to reversible chemical tags on genes. The scientists say what is most significant about the new study, described online September 16 in Nature Neuroscience, is that …