Honey bees are fascinating creatures that display remarkably complex (and well-coordinated) social behaviors, all in the service of protecting and promoting the vitality of the hive.
One of the ways that honey bees practice good "public health" is by social distancing to slow the spread of disease, much in the same way that humans have been encouraged to socially distance …
Honey isn't just a human superfood – it's also a superfood for insects. It fuels the entire life of the hive. The honey that bees produce powers their often-breakneck pace of work as they buzz along, caring for their young and harvesting pollen.
Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t just sugar by any means – although it does contain plenty of …
One may be forgiven for assuming honey is just a sweet, syrupy snack. It's actually packed with many health-promoting properties.
Honey offers a hearty helping of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and – what we'll focus on here -- acids (including amino acids).
Bees need these acids for their own nutrition, and to feed their developing larvae. When you harvest the honey from your …
Early 20th-century French entomologist August Magnan was studying how honey bees fly and theorized, based on known laws of physics, that honey bees' wings were too small to facilitate flight. The magic of honey bee flight remained a mystery – until very recently.
Aspects of honey bee flight we'll explore here include:
Honey Bee Wing Anatomy
How Do Honey Bees Fly …
A beehive is a wonderfully complex machination – although at first glance it might seem like a chaotic, unorganized mess, there's a lot more going on that might initially meet the eye.
The key points we'll cover here are:
What Is the Brood Nest and What Vital Function Does It Serve?
What Is the Brood Nest Structure?
What Is the Purpose …
You invest a ton of time and energy into building, maintaining, and harvesting honey from your beehives – so the last thing you need is for an animal to get into them and ruin all your hard work.
From mice to bears to wasps, marauding animals can wreak havoc on, and even destroy, your beehives. Some of these animal vandals eat …
As with any hobby or career, choosing the right equipment is vital. What works for one beekeeper might not be what works for you, which is why research and understanding your options is important.
In beekeeping, there are two main types of hives: 8-frame and 10-frame beehives. Which you choose is up to multiple factors and preferences. With that in mind, …
The beekeeper’s calendar is directly linked to the seasons. Preparing your hives for changes in temperature and shifts in the weather — before they happen — is crucial for raising healthy, strong colonies. While there are a number of variables that affect the timing of these tasks, getting a head start, and preparing your equipment is always a good idea.
As …