Honey Bee Research Funding Proposals Requested

Research proposals are requested that focus on honey bee health and productivity which provide practical and tangible solutions to the beekeeping industry.

The National Honey Board and Project Apis m. reinforce their commitment to the future of bees through an investment of $10 million by 2020 in bee health projects, through the financial support of successful research proposals.

The goal of this research is to help producers maintain colony health and honey production. Most proposals will likely be of one-year duration. Priority will be given to proposals which aim to produce solutions to industry problems, including Varroa mites.

Proposals must be received by Project Apis m. by midnight (PDT), November 5, 2017. Email proposals to jean@projectapism.org and patty@projectapism.org. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered. For the full Request for Proposal, click the link below.

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