Clemson Holds Regional Forum to Discuss Zika Virus

Denise Attaway, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences; Public Service and Agriculture   ANDERSON, S.C. — With concerns surrounding the Zika virus increasing, the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service is doing what it can to inform the public. A regional discussion forum was held Tuesday to discuss how the Zika virus is transmitted, medical issues related to the virus, control strategies and regulatory …

Seek and You Shall Find — Bees Remain Excellent Searchers Even When Ill

Queen Mary University of London   Honey bees are hardwired to efficiently search the landscape enabling them to continue working for the greater good of their hives even when they are sick, according to new research co-authored by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Radar technology has been used to show for the first time that bees remain nimble and able to …

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: USU Biologists Unearth Sandstone-excavating Bees

Utah State University scientists publish new findings in 'Current Biology' Utah State University LOGAN, UTAH, USA - In the popular nursery story The Three Little Pigs, the prudent porker who builds his house of brick is chided by his pals, who choose much easier ways to construct their respective abodes. Only later in the cautionary tale does the reader discover the benefits …

Insecticide Hurts Queen Bees’ Egg-laying Abilities

U. of Nebraska research shows nicotine-based pesticide may have dramatic consequences for colonies University of Nebraska-Lincoln The world's best-selling insecticide may impair the ability of a queen honey bee and her subjects to maintain a healthy colony, says new research led by a University of Nebraska-Lincoln entomologist. The research examined the effects of imidacloprid, which belongs to a popular class of nicotine-based …

Safe, Edible Bottle Coating Empties Every Last Drop of Honey, Syrup, Ketchup

By Dr. Alex Berezow Reprinted with permission from the American Council on Health and Science Sept. 8, 2016   It is nearly impossible to get every last drop of liquid foods out of their containers. Ketchup and syrup are among the worst offenders. In fact, up to 15% of liquid foods can be wasted due to such inefficient packaging. Superhydrophobic coatings, which are extremely water-repellent, have been proposed as …

Zika and Florida Beekeepers

Courtesy of University of Florida Entomology & Nematology Department A letter from the Florida Chief of Apiary Inspection, David Westervelt: The Southeastern United States is in a triple threat situation for mosquito proliferation and control. Listed below are conditions making it favorable for the breeding and spread of viruses in mosquitoes: It is the season. The weather is perfect to be a mosquito …

Purdue Entomologist Awarded USDA Grant for Neonicotinoid Research

Purdue University News Release WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University entomologist Ian Kaplan and his team have received a $3.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute for Food and Agriculture to fund their research into the environmental, ecological and socioeconomic effects of neonicotinoid pesticide use. The five-year grant is part of the USDA-NIFA Specialty Crop Research Initiative, a …

FDA Issues Direct Final Rule Revising Categorization of Animal Drugs Used in Medicated Feeds

August 23, 2016 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced today a direct final rule to ensure that drugs used in animal feed remain available for therapeutic purposes in food-producing minor species after changes are made to remove the production claims from these drugs. In December 2013, the FDA took a significant step forward in addressing antimicrobial resistance by publishing Guidance #213, …