A row of four brown, wooden bee hives on raised wooden platforms. Their covers are weighed down by bricks.

How To Assemble a Hive Body: What You Should Know

Beekeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, but it’s not without its challenges. One of the most critical components of a successful beekeeping setup is the hive body. This essential piece plays a major role in creating a safe, well-organized environment to house bees and support their productivity. Properly assembling a hive body is key to maintaining your colony’s health …

Dadant ships packaged bees this spring

Package Bees 2021 Pre-Sale

Forego the hassle of picking up your package bees, this year have your package bees shipped directly to your home! Dadant has the best pricing on healthy Italian honey bees! Order your package bees online or by calling our corporate office toll-free at (888) 922-1293. Our packages contain approximately three pounds of gentle, Italian honey bees and a naturally mated Italian queen! …

True Source Honey to Update Certification Standards in 2021

True Source Certified® Honey Will Require Specific Authenticity Testing Washington, D.C. – December 14, 2020 – The True Source Honey program will enhance its standards starting Jan. 1, 2021 to better address honey authenticity. The updated standards will note that True Source Certified Honey, whether imported to North America or purchased directly from North American beekeepers, is tested for authenticity by an …

Coronavirus Update from Dadant and Sons, Inc

Dadant & Sons Inc is open for business.   We are an agriculture business that is considered an essential business. Our operating hours will remain the same for all our locations.   Branch hours and contact information can be found at https://www.dadant.com/location/ by selecting a branch location on the map.   We offer free shipping on orders over $100.00 for qualified items (some exclusions apply). …

Sioux Honey Beekeepers Establish Central California’s First Anonymous, All-Hours Food Pantries

FRESNO, Calif. – Those who struggle to put enough food on the table have a new place to turn thanks to a group of local beekeepers. In October, three Sioux Honey Association Co-op members took time away from their hives to install central California’s first documented Little Free Pantries. The co-op installed the first Little Free Pantry in Los Banos earlier …

The COLOSS Conference Bridges the Atlantic

The 15th Conference of the COLOSS honey bee research association has now concluded at the Université Laval bureau in Montréal, Canada. The meeting was attended by a record 154 delegates from 37 countries. This represents some 12% of the current membership of 1,275 members from 95 countries, which is extraordinary for an international organisation. A key task of the meeting was …

Premium New Zealand Honey Producer
Admits Adding Chemicals: Media

by Lidia Kelly MELBOURNE (Reuters) - A New Zealand company pleaded guilty on Thursday to charges of adding artificial chemicals to its premium manuka honey, media reported, in a flagship prosecution over a product that is high-value export for the country. New Zealand Food Safety filed the case against Auckland-based Evergreen Life Ltd whose products were pulled from shelves in 2016 by …

NOW LIVE! The 2018-2019 Colony Loss and Management Survey!

Good morning America! It’s beautiful outside! The birds are chirping and the bees are flying! You may even notice a few flowers outside too! Here in the South, our many azaleas are in full bloom! This means Spring is upon us! And of course, Spring means one thing: it’s time to take the Bee Informed Partnership’s annual Colony Loss and Management Survey! It’s easy! …