We will bring you information on worldwide developments within the beekeeping industry and related agricultural news. We will present a brief introduction to events, developments and interesting news releases as they occur. Want information sent directly to your inbox? Sign up for our free newsletter!
Forego the hassle of picking up your package bees, this year have your package bees shipped directly to your local post office. Dadant has the best pricing on healthy Italian honey bees!
Order your package bees online.
Our packages contain approximately three pounds of gentle, Italian honey bees and a naturally mated Italian queen! These strong and healthy honey bees come from …
Apimondia Montreal 2019 has now concluded. Drawing an estimated 4000 attendees, the event featured the World Beekeeping Awards, which included the competition for “Best Honey in the World.”
Each honey entry consisted of three samples, one of which was sent out for “full laboratory analysis” by an accredited facility armed with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology, while the other two were …
Dear Beekeeper,
It’s April! That means April Fool’s, Easter, rainy weather, and the BIP Colony Loss & Management Survey!
We know it’s one of the busiest times of the year for you – you’re out catching swarms, picking up packages, and planning your next steps in the bee yard – but we hope that you can take the time to participate in …
For 38 years, Extension apiculturist Eric Mussen did everything he could to help the honey bees.
“I am basically all pro-bee; whatever I can do for bees, I do it,” Mussen told the American Bee Journal in a two-part interview published in 2011. “It doesn't matter whether there is one hive in the backyard or 15,000 colonies. Bees are bees and …
Winners Will Use $40,000 in Prize Money to Improve, Accelerate Honey Bee Nutrition
The Honey Bee Health Coalition announced today that it has awarded $40,000 to four innovative projects aimed at improving honey bee nutrition and supporting honey bee and pollinator health. The awards, announced today at the 2018 American Bee Research Conference, are part of the Coalition’s inaugural Bee Nutrition …
The resolution declaring May 20th as World Bee Day is expected to be adopted at the plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly on December 20th, 2017.
On November 17th, 2017 the resolution was unanimously adopted at the Economic and Financial Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, with co-sponsorship of 115 countries, including the USA, Canada, China, Russian Federation, …
Bees, new food sources and machine learning are leading trends
Los Angeles, CA and St. Louis, MO – August 30, 2017 - Trained bees that pollinate specific target crops, snacks that make eating bugs more of a novelty, and sugar without the guilt or health issues and sensing technologies that give real-world advice to farmers are just a few disruptive innovations …
Courtesy of
Bee Informed Partnership
The National Agricultural Statistical Service (NASS) recently reported the results of its second honey bee colony loss survey. The Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) also recently published preliminary loss results covering the same period. Despite the differences in methodology and sample sizes, these two surveys yielded comparable results. Specifically, we estimate 33.23% losses based on the BIP survey, …