You're invited to the 5th Annual Caribbean Bee College
At the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Campus in Wanstead, Barbados
November 1st - 4th, 2017
Hosted by the University of Florida Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab
Click here to register or for more information
Two Days of Training
November 3rd and 4th will be the main training days for beekeepers and bee enthusiasts looking …
Bees, new food sources and machine learning are leading trends
Los Angeles, CA and St. Louis, MO – August 30, 2017 - Trained bees that pollinate specific target crops, snacks that make eating bugs more of a novelty, and sugar without the guilt or health issues and sensing technologies that give real-world advice to farmers are just a few disruptive innovations …
Michigan State University
EAST LANSING, Mich. - Seemingly indestructible Varroa mites have decimated honeybee populations and are a primary cause of colony collapse disorder, or CCD.
Michigan State University scientists have found genetic holes in the pests' armor that could potentially reduce or eliminate the marauding invaders. The team's results, published in the current issue of Insect Science, have identified four …
Courtesy of
Calling all honey bee and animal nutrition enthusiasts!
The Honey Bee Health Coalition is excited to announce the launch of the 2017 Bee Nutrition Challenge: An Innovation Award.
The Problem
Our honey bees are in trouble, partly because they don’t have enough to eat. Thanks to researchers, we’ve learned a lot about the nutrients bees need in order to thrive. However, there’s …
After 10 Years of Pressure by The Cornucopia Institute, an Article in The Washington Post is Changing the Competitive Landscape in Organics
Cornucopia, WI — A recent Washington Post investigation illustrated serious flaws in the organic certification program at the USDA, undermining confidence in the organic label and spotlighting the harm domestic organic grain farmers continue to suffer at the hands …
Jake Reisdorf, Tubbs Berry Farm and Twin Falls County Pest Abatement District, recognized for innovative approaches to promoting pollinator health and dedication to educating future generations
Research Triangle Park, N.C. (July 24, 2017) – Bayer announced the recipients of the fifth annual Bayer Bee Care Community Leadership Award: young beekeeper Jake Reisdorf, and Kirk and Heidi Tubbs of Tubbs Berry Farm …
Researchers discover totally new mechanism for processing color information
RMIT University
(Click here or on image to the right for video)
New research into the way that honeybees see colour could pave the way for more accurate cameras in phones, drones and robots.
Identifying colour in complex outdoor environments is extremely difficult because the colour of light is continuously changing.
Researchers in Melbourne, Australia, looked …
Videos Complement Coalition’s Tools for Varroa Management Guide, Provides Step-By-Step Demonstrations of Utilizing an Integrated Pest Management Strategy of Monitoring, Treatment
[KEYSTONE, Colorado, Dec. 1, 2016] — The Honey Bee Health Coalition released a series of videos today to help beekeepers promote colony health and combat costly and destructive Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) infestations. The videos can be found on the …